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The Delaware Alliance Against Sexual Violence provides referrals to resources for survivors of sexual violence.

24/7 Rape Crisis Hotlines

National Sexual Assault Hotline


YWCA Delaware Sexual Assault Response Center


New Castle/Kent/Sussex County

Services: YWCA SARC provides statewide 24/7 SARC Helpline, crisis intervention, accompaniment (hospital, police, and court), aftercare community health case management, individual and group counseling, civil legal referral services. The team also provides connection to social and community resources and prevention education and outreach.


Rape Crisis Service: Kent/Sussex County

Crisis Helpline: Statewide

Services: ContactLifeline offers individual, family, and group therapy sessions for survivors of sexual violence and their loved ones. The services are at no cost. If you are someone you know is a survivor of a sexual assault, regardless of whether it just happened or happened many years ago, we offer the following assistance: telephone counseling, information and referrals, in-person support and advocacy (hospitals, police stations, and courts), and individual counseling for survivors, friends and family.

DAASV Resource Library

Domestic Violence Hotline:
New Castle: 302-762-6110
Kent & Sussex: 302-422-8058
Bilingual: 302-745-9874
National Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-799-7233


Delaware Coalition Against Domestic Violence

Email: dcadvadmin@dcadv.org
Contact: 302-658-2958

24 Hour Domestic Violence Hotlines:


Amanecer Counseling & Resource Center

Contact: 302-576-4136

Services: Bilingual counseling for all ages; community resource assistance such as assistance with food, clothing, housing, applying for benefits; and legal services including legal advocacy, accompaniment to civil and criminal hearings, referrals to legal representation, assistance filing for protective orders, assistance with Victim's Compensation applications.

Survivors of Abuse in Recovery (SOAR)

Contact: 302-655-3953
Email: info@soarinc.com
intake@soarinc.com (for new intakes)

Services: Individual therapy for all ages of survivors of sexual abuse/assault, offered by experienced clinicians who specialize in the field. Family therapy to help familial units cope with suffered trauma. Group therapy for adults and teens through 12-week programs. Clinician training on trauma related topics. Workshops for both clients and clinicians/service providers. Psychological assessments and evaluations. Community outreach, education, and consultation.


Delaware Capitol Police VIP Program

Services: Provide safe escorts to and from the courts for victims of domestic abuse

Domestic Violence Coordinating Council

Contact: 302-424-7238
Email: DVCC_information@delaware.gov

Services: The DVCC is a state agency that aims to enhance Delaware's response to domestic violence and sexual assault. It offers training and education programs and connections to resources within the state of Delaware.

Human Trafficking

Meet Me at the Well Foundation

Contact: 302-743-7765
Email: MeetMe@TheWellDE.org

Services: Scholarships, trauma sensitive workshops, and individualized strengths-based experiences for survivors of human trafficking. Wrap around services, case management,
& HEAL programs.

Legal Assistance

Delaware Legal HelpLink

Email: www.delegalhelplink.org

Delaware Volunteer Legal Services (DVLS)

Contact: 302-478-8680:
Site: www.dvls.org

Community Legal Aid Society (CLASI)
Site: www.declasi.org

Medical Services

Nemours Children’s Health

Contact: 302-651-6901 (Forensic Team)

First State Abortion Fund

Email: intake@abortionsupport.org

Services: Funding for abortion services

National Guard - Delaware

Army National Guard

Contact: 302-326-7272

Air National Guard

Contact: 302-250-1802

DoD SafeHelpline

Contact: 877-995-5247
Email: Stephanie.Davis.13@us.af.mil

Services: Resources and case management to members and dependents over the age of 18 who experience sexual assault. Our Soldiers and Airmen are eligible to receive support services regardless of when the assault has occurred in their life. We offer Restricted and Unrestricted reporting options based on the level of command and law enforcement involvement the survivor would like. Inquiries to the SAPR office are confidential (outside limited duty to warn) and are not reported to Command.

Police-Based Advocates

Delaware State Police Victim Services Statewide

Contact: (800-842-8461)
24/7 Hotline: 800-VICTIM-1

Dover Police Victim Services

Contact: 302-736-7134

Services: 24 hour Crisis Intervention, Trauma Informed Care for victims and survivors.

Georgetown Police Victim Services

Contact: 302-856-6613

Millsboro Police Victim Services

Contact: 302-934-8174

Newark Police Victim Services

Contact: 302-366-7100 ext. 3137

New Castle County Police Victim Services

Contact: 302-395-8135

Smyrna Police Victim Services

Contact: 302-223-7024

Wilmington Police Victim Services Unit/Youth Response Unit

Victim Services Supervisor:

Bilingual Victims Case Coordinator:

Domestic Violence Coordinator:

 Victim Services Specialist:

Services: Support for victims or witnesses of violent crime, Help with criminal justice system questions, Assistance applying for Victim Compensation, Referrals to social services and community resources, Domestic Violence information, referral and safety planning.

Youth Response Unit
Contact: 302-576-3183

Services: A partnership between the City of Wilmington Police Department, the Delaware Division of Prevention and Behavioral Health Services (DPBHS) and A Seed of Hope Counseling. A Seed of Hope Counseling is contracted by DPBHS to provide mental health treatment for identified children. Clinicians work with both the children and the families to offer free, voluntary trauma assessment and short-term counseling services after a traumatic event.

University-Based Advocates

University of Delaware Student Wellness & Health Promotion

Contact: 302-831-3457

Services: Victim advocacy for University students who have experienced sexual violence, dating/domestic violence and stalking.

Delaware Victims’ Compensation Assistance Program

Delaware Victims’ Compensation Assistance Program

Contact: 302-255-1770

Site: Attorneygeneral.delaware.gov/vcap/

Services: Compensation for out-of-pocket expenses to victims of violent crime.